
6th-8th Grade: Young Meteorologists (6th Grade Science)

Ended Jun 9, 2023

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Full course description

What wild factors interact together to influence weather and climate? Join our young meteorologist crew to find out! In this class, students will construct and use models to develop an understanding of the factors that control weather and climate. Students will also investigate the impacts that humans have on Earth's various systems. Students will have a syllabus that will take them through a variety of online experiments to give them a basic understanding that will be enriched in our once a week live class. Enrollment in this course will result in $75 being deducted from the enrolled student's Sage Oak Instructional Fund account. Small materials fee may also apply. Please see MASTER SCHEDULE for class day/time. VLA students may only enroll in Monday classes. Enrollment: PLA FORM / VLA FORM