
3rd-6th Grade: Travel Around the World with Minecraft: History Edition

Ended Jun 9, 2023

Sorry! The enrollment period is currently closed. Please check back soon.

Full course description

Just with a click of your mouse, travel the world in Minecraft! We will study about various historical and modern locations. We'll travel around the world, and replicate and reimagine historic architecture including the Great Pyramids of Egypt and even stop intruders from attacking the Great Wall of China! Join in, and combine your gaming and building skills! Enrollment in this course will result in $81 being deducted from the enrolled student's Sage Oak Instructional Fund account (to cover the class cost and Minecraft subscription). Small materials fee may also apply. Please see MASTER SCHEDULE for class day/time. VLA students may only enroll in Monday classes. Enrollment: PLA FORM / VLA FORM