
3rd-5th Grade: Aprendamos Español! (for Seasoned Learners) Part 2

Ended Jun 9, 2023

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Full course description

In this weekly class, seasoned learners will continue on the adventure of the basic Spanish language! We will watch our vocabulary grow through engaging lessons, games, conversation and songs. This quarter students will apply vocabulary for la ropa-clothes and el tiempo y las estaciones- weather and seasons. This class is for students who took our Spanish class Seasoned Learners Part 1 in Quarter 3 and/or advanced Spanish speakers. Let's learn Spanish! Aprendamos Español! Enrollment in this course will result in $75 being deducted from the enrolled student's Sage Oak Instructional Fund account. Small materials fee may also apply. Please see MASTER SCHEDULE for class day/time. VLA students may only enroll in Monday classes. Enrollment: PLA FORM / VLA FORM