
English 12B - Sage Syllabus


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Full course description

In this engaging and dynamic course, high school students will concentrate on classical literature written
by British authors from early works through writings of the 21 st century. In addition, much attention will be
devoted to ensuring students are equipped to write proficiently at the college and professional level. Class
discussions and formal presentations will offer opportunities for students to grow as educated

Course content will include studying various genre of literature, essay writing, memorization and
recitation, oral and multi-media presentations, and exams. Students will receive instruction on writing
research, descriptive, persuasive, and opinion essays, as well as writing poetry and short stories.
Instruction will include reading comprehension, writing strategies, text analysis and annotation, research,
grammar and spelling mechanics, giving oral and multi-media presentations, and more.

This rigorous class requires that students complete daily reading and homework assignments and turn
them in for evaluation every week. Parents, students, and the instructor will collaborate through the year
to ensure understanding and completion. Grades will be assigned according to the students homework,
tests, and quizzes, writing assignments, presentations, and class participation.